Saturday, August 23, 2008

Letters of the Day...

Just a note to say our letters of the day are inspired by -


The only one we have copied so far is her B, I did want to thank her for the inspiration and my kids are loving this! She has a lot of great resources on her site...


Joanna said...

Hey thanks for sharing the inspiration. We are definately doing this as soon as I find my construction paper!

Anonymous said...

I just came over to your blog from Allie's blogroll. I love your letter of the day activities! I am doing letter of the week with my toddler and will be definitley copying some of your ideas!!

Jamie said...

Cute letters - so fun!

Anonymous said...

Those are sooooo cute. I can't wait to do fun things like that. Our fun, these days, is play-dough and coloring. We like to work on letters for about 2 mins. That's all the attention span I can get out of a 2 yr old.