Wednesday, September 9, 2009

K first Day

Here go my babes, first day of school. They were so excited to start Kindergarten, I hope it lasts. They have a great teacher and each other in class so I have to be excited for them too. I will miss them during school time, I mean what am I supposed to do now? Clean the house or something crazy like that?

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  1. Cute cute cute boys. Love the picture. Yeah, what do you do when the kids go off to school? Love the bird too.

  2. It's so hard having no kids at home isn't it? Your kids are so cute. Our little twins are in kindergarten for the first time too and loving it, but they both asked to be in different classes. Its been great for them, but sometimes I wish they were still together. Maybe next year.

  3. Don't let this moment of sadness let you jump too quickly into house cleaning. Just give it some time and I'm sure something else will come up to help you avoid the horrible house cleaning pitfall. Be strong! Cute little school boys!

  4. Aw, they are so cute all ready to grow up and everything.

    Take time for you! You deserve it :) I can say that because I am 2 weeks further in than you. Trust me, you will get used to it. Quick ;)

  5. look how sweet they are!!!! I love E or C's {can't tell yet} look on his face [the one in blue!] The look on his face to his brother is worth a thousand words! I hope it contines to go well for them. Are they in all day or half? Did you ever decide what to do with your free time?

  6. Aw, so handsome!! Can you believe it - kindergarten!? Where did the time go?
