Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Candy Science - Floating Letters

OK, it's true, we can't stop doing these - Loralee has such a great site full of ideas, this one is called floating letters. The kids should place the candy (skittles or M&Ms) submerged in water. Don't stir, just leave it, for awhile. Come back when you remember to check it (1/2 hour +). You may need to carefully swirl the water to raise the letter up if you don't see anything, but if you still don't see anything after that, come back later.
As you can see when our letter was floating, the candy coating had completely dissolved into the water, but how cool is that? Seriously cool.

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  1. First, I am impressed that you still have Halloween candy....Second, totally cool. This trick is my favorite~ I will have to put it to the test, I know the kidlets would love it. You rock SCIENCE GEEK~ (a compliment, I might add)

  2. Have you seen those M&Ms with faces on them?? that would be cool to try this with!

  3. Kristin,

    You are incredibly creative and fun! Wow this experiment looks fun. We have half a day of school so we are trying this for sure today! Thanks for all the fun ideas! Your little bat man was extrememly cute!!!

  4. M&M's with faces? That would be fun. I'll have to keep an eye out for those.

  5. ok, that is the coolest m i've ever seen.
