Sunday, July 31, 2011


If there is anything I have learned this summer is don't count on summer weather to be all lovely and sunny. I can't really explain the terrible weather and I'm sure you guys have heat waves will think I'm a big whiner.  I realized our normal summer "Mom I'm Bored" Jar is just not helpful.  We need two, one with indoor options and one with outdoor options.

Something that has kept us busy for several hours is what we call puzzle gallery - where you put together every puzzle you can find in the house and a few you borrow from the neighbours (thanks!). The boys wanted to go around the neighbourhood selling tickets to their "art show" but somehow I convinced them to be "not- for-profit." The show did get rave reviews by critics who saw it (Dad) and heard about it (thank you relatives). Plus it was very educational, learning planets, the states and which superheros make up "the Avengers."
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Jamie said...

Ha ha - that's awesome. Great idea. We need Logan-nap=time ideas!

Dyann said...

fun idea!