Saturday, July 18, 2009

Ghost Gum

Warning this post contain no intellectual stimulating, nutritional ideas for children. In fact it is about microwaved marshmallows - beware.

Did anyone else do this as a bored child? We called it ghost gum. In the olden days, before microwaves, you had to knead the marshmallows with your fingers, now it is amazing what 20 sec in the microwave will do. I insist you must remain near the microwave and watch the effects, but I can't be held accountable for the radiation (or possible explosion of the marshmallows). This rubbery substance that comes out is why microwaves do not make good s'mores. Another warning if left too long to cool, it will become rock hard (luckly marshmallow dissolves in water). If eaten too soon you will burn your tongue. C mixed chocolate chips into his. mostly they just played with the stuff, tried to eat it, made a mess and cleaned it up.

Random, cheap, fun and a good boredom buster...

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  1. If you put a small cup of water in the microwave with your marshmellow it will not swell all up. It is crazy but it will just soften and melt..try it out, it really works!

  2. Hahahahaha! Thanks for the warning! Looks like they had a lot of fun!
